Japanese Redwood timber weatherboards
Thinking about cladding that makes a statement? Have a look at Japanese Redwood
What are the benefits of Japanese Redwood timber cladding?
All our Redwood is sourced one of the world's largest sustainable and renewable plantations in Japan. Our Redwood is not imported,
Japanese Redwood is famous for its stability meaning that there is minimal timber movement once the house is built. This is why Redwood has been a first choice in Japan for 500 years.
Natural elements in redwood mean it has strong natural resistance to weather, insects and disease. No chemical treatment is required as this timber naturally meets all building standards.
Natural has to be seen to appreciate its true beauty, its deep warm red colour is the first aspect that strikes you. Then the long straight grain of the timber catches your eye.
This is a timber that will hold its beauty forever if oiled periodically, or will naturally match the environment silvering off if left on its own.
We believe appreciation of Japanese Redwood is to be perceived by touch and sight, if you would like a sample, please complete our sample order form.
We make all these products - Cladding, Timber Weather Boards, timber shiplap, timiber board and batten, Timber decking, cedar weather boards, cedar cladding, cedar shiplap, cedar board and batten, redwood shiplap, redwood board and batten, redwood weather board, redwood board and Batten, Redwood decking, wood cladding, wood timber, wood weather baords, wood shiplap, wood board and batten.